18 Ways To Say 'I Love You' In Catalan.

Whether it's Valentine's Day, Sant Jordi (the Catalan day where love and culture comes together), or any other given day, saying or having someone telling us 'I love you' is just as sweet as it gets.
Even more, telling someone you love them for the first time might be one of the most important and sometimes nerve-wrecking moments of your life. But thanks to the romantic sound of our language, chances are that if you say it in Catalan the person in front of you will melt (and love you back.)
Here's a list of different ways to say 'I Love You' in Catalan.
- T'estimo - I love you
- Estic enamorat de tu (m.) / Estic enamorada de tu (f.) - I'm in love with you
- No puc viure sense tu - I can't live without you
- T'adoro - I adore you
- T'enyoro molt - I miss you so much
- Em fas sentir papallones a l'estómac - You make me feel butterflies in my stomach
- Estic boig per tu (m.) / Estic boja per tu (f.) - I'm crazy about you
- Ets la meva ànima bessona - You're my soulmate
- M'agrades molt - I like you so much
- Ho ets tot per mi - You're my everything
- Vull estar amb tu - I want to be with you
- Soc teu (m.) / Soc teva (f.) - I'm yours
- Ets l'amor de la meva vida - You're the love of my life
- No puc parar de pensar en tu - I can't stop thinking about you
- El meu cor és teu - My heart is yours
- Ets la meva altra meitat - You're my other half
- M'agrades més que el pa amb tomàquet - I like you more than bread with tomato
This is an English expression that I personally love. We never use it in Catalan, but in my opinion is one of the cutest ways to express your feelings for someone else. 🍭
- Em fas sentir com un nen/a petit/a en una tenda de llaminadures - You make me feel like a kid in a candy store.
Are there any other ways to say 'I Love You' that come to mind? Please let us know in the comments below. All languages are welcome! 👇
And don't forget to check out our Online Shop filled with products with some amazing Catalan words!
If you liked this article, you might also enjoy reading '30+ Essential Catalan Phrases And Expressions You Need To Know'. 🤍
6 comentaris
En realitat “Tenda” és un castellanisme. En català és botiga. La tenda és la d’acampada o com les paradetes al voltant d’un mercat. I Sant Valentí potser hi ha gent que ho celebra ara però no és pas d’aquí, de fet tradicionalment era el dia dels estafadors perquè és el seu patró.
M’encanta la del bonus track, no la coneixia!
T’ estimo més que a la senyera
I’m only missing a Catalan gf now ha
Very cute! Love it! ❤️